Restaurant Lesehan Purwo Sido Makmur

Restaurant Lesehan Purwo Sido Makmur, located in Simo I, Genjahan, Ponjong Gunungkidul. About 30 minutes from Wonosari. At home eating in this fishing area presents a cool atmosphere-tentreming Gunungkidul. Restaurant provides a menu of grilled and fried fish (tilapia-Bawal-Gurame) is most crowded during the holidays to come.

Restaurant owned by Mr. Sugiman, a building with the ornate woven bamboo, giving the impression of a peaceful countryside. Built on a pond that also serves as a fisheries so that in addition to dining, visitors can spend some time fishing with the system of payment per hour or per kilo of fish obtained.

Like other Gunungkidul typical diner, there Wedangan menu. Tea is served in a teapot with cups made ​​of clay, making tea fragrance blends with natural earthy … sueger’e puolll:)

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